Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I am in need of some help. I feel like I have made tons of strides in my diet. My PCOS is connected to insulin resistance, so I've gone gluten free. That means I've introduced a ton more veggies and fruits into my diet because I don't want to substitute bad things for things that might be even worse for me as far as fat content goes. I've started drinking apple cider vinegar before each main meal as I've read that helps with insulin resistance as well. I'm taking a daily vitamin and a supplement that helps the reproductive system and Saw Palmetto for hair loss. I am adding chia seeds to nearly everything I eat and in some cases, what I drink so I can get that fiber I'm missing out on and some omega-3s while I'm at it. What I am lacking is a good exercise plan. Something I can do everyday. I can't justify stretching the budget for a gym membership when I know I won't go to the gym alone. The park is awesome, when I can make it there in the daylight. I like to sleep and I'm an awful, wretch of a person if I am woken up too early. My schedule is never constant. Go in at 8 am one day, go in at 11 the next. You just never know.  I need your ideas and help. What do you do to fit in exercise around family and work and obligations? What kinds of exercise do you do? Help me friends, you are my only hope!

1 comment:

  1. You can sneak 10 minute increments of exercise through out the day. Walk when you get home from work. Take the stair, walk the floor at work. I'm a night owl and can't for the life of me, workout in the morning. One thing I don't do to well is exercise videos. I don't like working out in front of a TV at home. When I was employed, I did all my exercise in the evening. You only need 30 minutes, 3 times a week to get started.
