Sunday, May 19, 2013

The beginning.

So about 3 weeks ago I woke up and decided to change my life. It sounds dramatic, but it's true. I'm nothing if not a little over dramatic. I decided that I was going to go gluten free and within 4 days I was using the shopping lists I have found from Kroger and Whole Foods to create a shopping list of things I was absolutely certain would be fantastic for me and would revolutionize my life. I was going into the battle against the rumbly guts armed and ready. I had been warned by people with Celiac's and gluten sensitivity that it was hard at first and a shock to the pocket book. I was making sure I was ready and nothing was going to stop me. I had a notebook with what each store carried and everything I was adamant would change my body and life overnight.

Then I walked into the grocery store.

The fruits and veggies were the easy part. Gluten free bread was easy. Meat was easy. It was once I got into the aisles that my head started to feel light and my palms started to sweat. Rice can have gluten in it? Tea can have gluten? WTF is this world coming to when I can't even drink a cup of tea without being glutenized?

It took me 2 and half hours to come home with three bags of groceries. It was tough. It was everything I tried so hard to prevent it from being. I felt deflated and wondered if it would be worth it. I lived on Larabars and peanut butter and gf turkey breast on toasted Udi's during the day and meat and veggies at night for the first week.

I felt amazing!!

I had no more rumbly guts. I had no more headaches. After 2 weeks I realized that my sinuses weren't bothering me as much. I was sleeping straight through the night! It was a new me. Then it hit me. If I felt this amazing from just taking one thing out of my diet, how much better could I feel if I started to change other things?

Which is why I'm writing this. By trial and error I am leading myself, and my reluctant husband toward a healthier lifestyle. Sometimes it's hilarious, sometimes it's exhausting. And it's all worth documenting.

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